Allesley Park Dental Practice
122 Winsford Avenue, Coventry,
West Midlands, CV5 9JB

Telephone: 024 7669 1904


There are two types of bridges, fixed and adhesive. Fixed braces are the more traditional option, using crowns placed over the teeth either side as support. Adhesive bridges are a much less invasive and increasingly popular alternative, giving a very aesthetic result.

Fixed Bridges

These conventional bridges use the adjacent tooth/teeth to support a false tooth, restoring the space where the missing tooth once was. These bridges can be made from porcelain bonded to a metal substructure or all ceramic porcelain. They can restore your smile and improve your function when eating.

Adhesive bridges

An alternative option to a conventional fixed bridge, adhesive bridges are an increasingly popular way to fill a gap in your smile. They are fitted with no damage to the surrounding teeth, making them a much less invasive option that allows you to keep your natural tooth structure intact.

Adhesive bridges consist of a replacement tooth and attached metal or ceramic wings. The wings are bonded to the inside surface of one or two of the adjacent teeth, with the false tooth sitting in between. The result is a very natural looking restoration. We use advanced digital technology to ensure your bridge blends seamlessly into your smile. Even if metal is used for the wing framework, this is hidden and not visible from the front of your teeth.

How do I look after my bridge?

You need to clean your bridge every day, to prevent problems such as bad breath and gum disease. You also have to clean under the false tooth every day. Your dentist or hygienist will show you how to use a bridge needle or special floss, as a normal toothbrush cannot reach.

How long will my adhesive bridge last?

You can expect your adhesive bridge to last for many years, if it is looked after correctly. In rare cases, it can debond from the supporting teeth, but we are able to easily and quickly stick it back on. Ensure you brush and floss twice a day, taking care around your bridge, to give it the best chance of lasting a long time. It is also important to keep the neighbouring teeth that the bridge is attached to healthy and strong so they can provide a solid foundation.

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